Culture & Language

Yindijibarndi Language Classes

At our school, we are proud to offer Yindijibarndi language lessons to our students. These sessions are led by Ms Sonya Wilson who is passionate about sharing her knowledge of this important Indigenous language. Through these engaging lessons, students develop an understanding of the language, its cultural significance, and its role in the local community. By learning Yindijibarndi, students gain valuable insights into the heritage and traditions of the region.

Cultural Education Across All Classes

In addition to language lessons, culture classes are an integral part of both Primary and Secondary school curriculum. These weekly sessions provide students with an in-depth understanding of the rich cultural history of the Indigenous peoples of the area. The lessons are designed to foster respect, understanding, and connection to the traditions that have shaped the local community.

Culture Camps and Immersive Learning

Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to participate in culture camps, which provide an immersive experience of Indigenous traditions and customs. These camps are held during the terms and offer students a chance to deepen their knowledge through hands-on activities, storytelling, traditional arts, and connection with local elders and cultural leaders.

Collaborative Approach to Culturally Responsive Education

Our school's commitment to culturally responsive education extends beyond the classroom. The Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers (AIEOs) play a key role in ensuring that all lessons are grounded in cultural knowledge. They work closely with teachers to plan and lead cultural sessions and share their expertise regularly with staff, ensuring that all aspects of the curriculum are relevant and respectful of local cultures. This collaborative approach ensures that our educational environment is inclusive and reflective of the diverse backgrounds of our students and their families.